Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nono made me do this.

Can you name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head?
Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.

Ready, Start!
1. novabelle
2. jeremy
3. xianyong
4. rayrin
5. wayne
6. lix
7. cc
8. mongs
9. jialing
10. tingkai
11. june
12. rachel
13. saira
14. laura
15. wenwen
16. shihan
17. nirupa
18. melody
19. sherwin
20. cherissa
21. alena

1. How did you meet 14? vjc 07a15
2. What would you do if you never met 6? have lost a CRC (omg so cool) member
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 date? puke
4. Did you ever like 5? hmm not really
5.Would 3 and 12 make a good couple? ee no way
6. Describe 8: small
7.Do you think 13 is attractive? yupp quite
8.Tell me something about 17: totally own-ur-ass smart
9. Do you know any of 4's family members? met once
10. What's 21's favorite color? dunno
11. What would you do if 18 just confessed he/she liked you? alot of ppl would be envious
12. What language does 20 speak? english. only.
13. Who is 9 going out with? she hopes its someone living in bishan
14. What grade is 16 in? grade A for AVALON!
15. When's the last time you talked to 13? a couple of days before her birthday
16. What perfume does number 2 uses? he doesnt use perfumes
17. Would you ever date 7? no her pick-up wink gives me nightmares
18. Would you ever date 1?
19. Is 15 single? nope. chinese scholar from rj.
20. What is 19's last name? loo lao cai
21. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 11? no cos im not malay
22. What school does 3 go to? vjc!
23. Where does 10 live? bedok
24. What's your favorite thing about 10? he is pro-ed on the dizi
25.Have you seen number 1 naked? ZOMG NO!

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