Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This is the Start of Something New

Today is the start of 2008.
It's the start of a new year.
The start of Year 2.
The start of mugging cos it's the start of my worrying for A Levels.
The start of something special too. (everything before that can be the prelude.)
The start of spending time with you.
The start of something new.

2007. It was totally screwed to the max please. Coming to VJ was, to be honest, quite underwhelming. I mean i expected it to be like OMG SUPER FUN. but i ended up like Been there, Done that. Oh but boyy was i wrong. The year was CRRRAZY. I told myself not to join choir but here i am in VJ Choir. Haha. But it's not that bad. In fact it's all good! :) But only now la. There were times when i was like omg shit what am/was i thinking but nevermind. VJ CHOIR IS FUN!

Then there was class. S53 was cute. Haha like really compared to A15 they are cute. Lol no comments. Everyone was nice and all. People are nice too in A15. Just that it's more like the real world in A15 if you get my drift. :) But it's okay i survived one year; i can survive another. especially when now i have you.:)

2007 was the year i really grew up. like really. im a totally different person. and i realised that fate is a freak. anything can happen. hearts were broken and tears were shed. But i guess that's how you grow up.

2008. It's gonna get better. there is so much in store already. Like A levels. haha. and O1! and Musicfest! and you. I hereby resolve to stop ponning lecs or/and tutorials. I resolve to be nice to people (as much as POSSIBLE.)

I resolve to stop ignoring the things i dont like and face those darn fears.

2008 will be a blast.

i will share the air i breathe
i'll give you my heart on a string
i just dont want to miss anything.


1 comment:

Juits said...

Year 1 is always the year of ambiguity and lives thrown upside down. This year will be better, think positive. You can do it! :) Truthfully, I got to know more people and felt more confident in my second year. Look forward to it k? :) Cheerio! :)