Thursday, December 27, 2007

Fighting by Yellowcard

Said that I'd fight for the one that I've found,
I'm gonna stay here while I wait for you to come around,
I fight you're apart of me now,
And I will never give up, no I'll never give up

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Blindly, i tread
in pitch black darkness.
I am not alone. Sometimes
I feel safe and warm with the
clasp of your hand; yet sometimes
i sense only your vague presence
around me.

I fear the moment
when i grope around in the darkness
only to find there is
no you. And i struggle to keep the
blindfolds on, so that the
excruciating light does not

But, at least for now, the
rhythms of your heart
resound in me. And
I am happy. At least
while it lasts.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

That's How You Know

Enchanted is Love.
And so are you.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Thank you for today.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

You'll Be Safe Here

Nobody knows
Just why we're here
Could it be fate
Or random circumstance
At the right place
At the right time
Two roads intertwine

And if the universe conspired
To meld our lives
To make us
Fuel and fire
Then know
Where ever you will be
So too shall I be


Close your eyes
Dry your tears
'Coz when nothing seems clear
You'll be safe here

From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Weary heart
You'll be safe here

Remember how we laughed
Until we cried
At the most stupid things
Like we were so high
But love was all that we were on
We belong

And though the world would
Never understand
This unlikely union
And why it still stands
Someday we will be set free.
Pray and believe


When the light disappears
And when this world's insincere
You'll be safe here
When nobody hears you scream
I'll scream with you
You'll be safe here

Save your eyes
From your tears
When everything's unclear
You'll be safe here

From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Wounded heart

When the light disappears
And when this world's insincere
You'll be safe here

When nobody hears you scream
I'll scream with you
You'll be safe here

In my arms
Through the long cold night
Sleep tight
You'll be safe here

When no one understands
I'll believe
You'll be safe,
You'll be safe
You'll be safe here
Put your heart in my hands
You'll be safe here

See You On The Flipside

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Gap

we've missed out on alot
but im glad we've fillled in the gaps.

and i thank god everyday for you.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

10 signs you love someone

i found this on friendster bulletin! okay fine friendster its not that bad after all.

Y ou feel shy whenever they're

You smile when you hear their voice.


When you look at them, you can't see
the other
people around you, you just see


T hey're all you think about.


You realize you're always smiling when
lo oking at them.


You would do anything for them, just
to see them.


While reading this, there was one
person on your
mind this whole time.


You were so busy thinking about that
person, you
didnt notice number seven was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are
now silently
laughing at yourself.

Love the twist.
I think number THREE would be so true. :)